What's a planted tank?

A planted tank is a tank that has multiple layers of substrate and features live plants growing in this media. The lowest layer is typically dirt, while the top layer is composed of a granular material that weighs the dirt down. Plants thrive off of the dirt, while the top layer provides some more aquarium feel. This creates a more realistic underwater environment that changes and grows with the conditions of the tank. This also comes with drawbacks, such as requiring delicate care and water maintenance. I learned a lot from reading Diana Walstad's book on planted aquariums. Check out her website and work here!

About Me

Hi! My name is Winfield. I’m a senior at Cornell University majoring in Information Science.

Currently, I’m in PLHRT 2010 - Art of Horticulture. Throughout the semester, we’ve learned from several experts in the field and I have loved getting to explore different techniques for making art with plants. For my final project, I decided to make a low-tech planted tank that features a fall theme. I used some sketching skills to come up with a plan for the aquarium and also get a better understanding of some color theory and design that comes with crafting an underwater garden.